Monday, August 26, 2013

Creating and Sharing Edmodo Folders with Groups

The video above is how to create and share an Edmodo folder with your Edmodo groups. You will also learn how to share your folders with the public. The video is from the older version of Edmodo, however, the steps are still the same. The layout just may look different.

The video below shows similar skills, but in the new Edmodo:

I hope that you will consider creating and sharing your folders within your student and your teacher groups!!!!

Is there anything that is not clear? Any questions?

Gratitude to Excellent Edmodians

I'd like to take a moment to thank last year's team of Edmodians who volunteered their precious time to help me manage the Spanish Teacher Share join requests. They have spent endless hours helping to create and implement a system to secure our teacher group and to promptly address teachers requests to join. Here's me and my 2012-2013 team:

Thank you! ¡Gracias! You are truly amazing! I could not have done it without you! 

I am currently looking for additional team members for the 2013-2014 school year. Please contact me via Edmodo or if you'd be interested in volunteering for this year! Thanks!

Edmodo Groups for Educators

Hola, Salut, Hi! Are you an Edmodian? Looking to grow your PLN? Check out my groups for educators!

Please click links (title of group) to join my Edmodo groups FOR TEACHERS ONLY!

Spanish Teacher Share: Spanish teachers unite! Come join over 1200 Spanish teachers from around the world! We have shared hundreds of folders and 1000s of resources!

AIM Language Learning: Join this group if you are interested in this revolutionary methodology for language learning. Bring your proficiency better than ever before! Click here for more information on AIM.

French/Spanish Exploratory: For teachers of “Exploratory” programs of French and Spanish

Multiliteracy Matters: For parents raising multilingual children

Language Camp Collaborative: Join this group if you are planning language camps in French and Spanish (or any language) to share ideas and resources!

French Teachers: This is a French Teacher group created by Amanda Boden

Calendario de Adviento: Join this group if you are interested in working on a collaborative project. We are translating and recreating a French resource into Spanish. This project is on-going and is volunteer (no pay). Here is the resource we are working on. It was created by my friend, +nathalie bonneau We need people who are good at working with audio, translating/recreating songs, music, able to record songs, dialogues (with dramatic expression) in Spanish.

Please email me at from your school email if you are not granted entry into one of my groups in a timely manner. Do the same for connection requests. Thank you!!!

Also please visit this amazing resource which lists most of the Edmodo Groups for teachers along with there join link. These are curated by Kristina Holzweiss.

Spanish Teacher Share


If you are a Spanish teacher on Edmodo, then hopefully you have heard of the most amazing group that exists on Edmodo for people like you. It's called Spanish Teacher Share! The group is an amazing place for teachers to share, learn, mentor and grow as educators. It is a wonderful place to grow your PLN. 

We currently have over 1,200 members in the Spanish Teacher Share group! There are over 150 teacher shared folders with thousands of free resources for all members to use!

I’d like to say a very special “GRACIAS” to all who have shared your links and resources with us all in this group!!! Edmodo Spanish Teacher Share ROCKS!!! If you are a Spanish teacher looking to grow your PLN, join Edmodo and connect with the most generous, hard-working group of Spanish educators I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!

Here is an example of how a folder would look to you once you are in the group:

Once your Edmodo profile is complete and your Edmodo account has the “verified teacher” badge, use this link to join: My team of co-teachers will review your Edmodo account and allow you to enter into our group once your account is verified. 

Please visit my Edmodo profile or this google doc to find more information about my Edmodo groups for teachers.

Edmodo 101: How to Create Account and Join Teacher Group

Hi everyone and welcome to my Edmodo blog!!!

I'd like to give some pointers for my friends out there who are looking to create an interactive online classroom with Edmodo.

Here are the steps you should take to create an Edmodo account and to join teacher groups.
1. Create an Edmodo Account. Teachers use this link to help you. (The steps for students accounts are similar and can be viewed here.)
And here's my video tutorial to show you the steps:

2. Join a teacher group! To join a group you either need a group code or a group hyperlink to request to join from the creator of the group. To enter the group code, simply find the "groups" on your home screen and then click the little + button with and select join (see image).
Screen Shot 2013-08-18 at 9.10.21 PM
Enter the code, click "Join" and that's it! If you need visuals, please follow these instructions:  (Scroll down and select "Join Other Teacher's Groups (PD)." If you use the hyperlink to join a group, the owner of the group will need to allow you to enter the group. The best bet for this to happen is for you to have a complete Edmodo profile. It would also be helpful to have your "verified teacher" badge.
Note about where to find Edmodo group opportunities (and hyperlinks to join):
For a list of teacher created groups, which are wonderful for professional development, please view this document. These groups are for educators and not for students. Please don't have your students request to join these groups. We will learn more about creating our own student groups soon!
Otherwise, you can request to join one of my groups for teachers. Go to my profile and choose which of my groups you'd like to be a part of and simply click on the group link to request entry. If you are a World Language teacher or interested in raising bilingual children, then there is a group for you. If you have requested entry, please give me about a week to allow you entry into the group. If you have not been allowed into the group within a week or so, please follow the directions here.

Please take some time to set up your account and explore my Edmodo Help folder if you're looking to move forward in our adventure with Edmodo!

Now keep calm and go be a great Edmodian! :)

To be continued...

How Edmodo Transformed my World Language Classroom

Edmodo has been a transformative educational tool for my students and me. It has revolutionized my teaching and my learning. Edmodo has changed the way I share digital content with my classes and the way I share with and learn from other educators from around the globe. With edmodo, I can provide content with students for the days they are absent, offer enrichment activities, assign and collect homework, quizzes and projects all without printing a single page. Edmodo has also provided the means for me to deliver a lesson on days that I have not physically been in class. To do this, I used SchoolTube’s embed feature paired with edmodo to share videos I’ve recorded for lessons.
Edmodo allows you to share virtually anything. In the past semester, I have used edmodo to share videos tutorials and guides for student projects, songs I’ve made to go with units, a VoiceThread project for students to add their voice, websites, polls, delicious stacksvokisprezisglogsSchoolTube videos and an exit survey. Edmodo offers a rewards system with badges for students and teachers as well as a “sharing score” for teachers. With every item a teacher shares, they gain a point. This is my favorite feature! Sharing is caring...and with Edmodo it's EASY!!!
Sharing is caring...and with Edmodo it's EASY!!!

Furthermore, edmodo has completely changed the way I collaborate and connect with teachers from around the world. This free educational tool has opened up opportunities to connect my classes with native speakers of French and Spanish from Canada, Argentina and Spain. Last week we spent our last minutes of class connecting with a classroom in Argentina via skype. Next year, this group of Argentinian students will be connecting with my Spanish II students for a year long exchange. We will use the versatility of an edmodo group to share VoiceThreads, SchoolTube videos and other various cloud-based projects with one another.
Edmodo has helped me grow as an educator thanks to the World Language community and other various Professional Development and technology groups I participate in on a regular basis. Edmodo is a virtual conference room of educators sharing ideas, resources and helping each other out. I am amazed at the generosity and expertise of the educators who have chosen to call this venue “home.” Also, I am delighted with the “Spanish Teacher Share” group that I created in order to share resources and ideas more efficiently. In this group alone, we have almost 200 members who have shared over 60 folders full of hundreds of Spanish language learning resources, just waiting to be used in classrooms around the world. There simply is no better way out there to connect, communicate and collaborate. Edmodo is 24/7 education for teachers and students alike.

Students have benefitted from the 24/7 access to library items. I have organized our digital library on edmodo into unit folders that include language learning videos, PowerPoints, websites and other pertinent files and links for that particular topic. With just a click of a button, students have access to resources I have created and collected from my generous edmodo (and twitter) PLN. Students also take advantage of edmodo’s “backpack” feature that eliminates the need for thumb drives as it allows you to store files in the cloud.
I have learned that students have been spending their free time on edmodo. One of their favorite things to do is to log into edmodo and then go directly to view our SchoolTube videos of various French and Spanish classes here at Marcellus. They enjoy watching themselves and others learning, singing, presenting and dancing in French and Spanish class. On an exit survey for Exploratory Language, one out of every three seventh graders answered that edmodo was among the best tools we used during the year for language learning. This choice was in direct competition with other popular strategies such as singing, dancing and playing games. Some students have expressed this love of edmodo in their public posts on our wall and in private messages to me that have read “I love edmodo.” On the exit survey, students stated that they enjoyed edmodo because you could login on your own time and pick and choose the resources you wanted to use while learning at your own pace.
This year’s projects have allowed students to tap into their creative side as they have written stories, songs, dialogues, created games and made videos of their daily routines. After using their creativity to make their projects, students were taught how to use embed code to share projects such as glogsGoAnimates and vokis. They also learned how to upload files such as PowerPoints and how to post links to VoiceThreads. I created our groups this year by subject and therefore whenever students share their content on edmodo, it reaches a wider audience than if it were just presented in class. Additionally, some students have been able to share their video projects globally via the use of SchoolTube. The pairing of SchoolTube with edmodo has allowed me to use student-generated videos as content for written discussions on our “wall” and even as a component on edmodo assignments. Students are assigned a student video to watch, then asked questions which they answer and submit using edmodo’s assignment feature.
Students have gained choice in their learning and have gained knowledge about various online tools for self-learning. I believe that learning how to create videos and how to use cloud-based tools will prove useful for future class projects across the curriculum. This year's wider range of cloud-based projects has provided students with more chances for creativity while edmodo has given us a wider audience. If I were to choose the one innovation that has provided the largest overall student benefit and has proven to be the biggest motivator for student achievement and excellence, it would be the expansion of our target audience. This year’s student work has proven to be the best of my career. Now that students have created exemplary projects that can be shared as examples next year, I believe there is no limit as to how far the students at Marcellus Central Schools will climb! Thanks to edmodo, we will be sharing our journey with an amazing global community of teachers and their students!

P.S. We currently have over 1,200 members in the Spanish Teacher Share group! There are over 150 teacher shared folders with thousands of free resources for all members to use! I’d like to say a very special “GRACIAS” to all who have shared your links and resources with us all in this group!!! Edmodo Spanish Teacher Share ROCKS!!! If you are a Spanish teacher looking to grow your PLN, join edmodo and connect with the most generous, hard-working group of Spanish educators I have ever had the pleasure of knowing! Once your edmodo account has the “verified teacher” badge, use this link to join!

P.S.S. Please visit my Edmodo profile or this google doc to find more information about my Edmodo groups for teachers.